A long year

Much has happened since I last made an update here.

Since Mont Blanc, my focus has been training. Running, rock climbing and ice climbing has been my main focus as to prepare myself for harder and longer climbs.

During the autumn of 2019 i signed up for a couple of running races, both on trail. I felt happy about myself after the runs and felt focused. I went to norway two times to climb, in Rondane and Dovrefjell. Both trips ending up so-so due to  weather, company and preparedness. I drytooled twice a week and continued climbing and running troughout the year.

During the record warm winter, I didnt get much time to strap on my skis, but thanks to vacation I put much time into ice climbing, in Norway, Dalarna, Jämtland and Västernorrland for some much needed practice.

And then corona came. It worked out allright. I could continue to run during mornings and get elevation training and climbing during the afternoons and evenings. My spring was actually quite nice, even though I missed my colleagues at work.

Due to corona, travelling became harder, and my plans had to change. I teamed up with Emma Svensson to in one trip, climb all Swedish 2000 meter mountains.

The project took 15 days, plus a few travelling days. I will be returning here to share our full story.

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